

G’day how’s it? For #9 we’re in Warrawong, at Futureworld. I spoke with Meryl about the centre. Meryl spoke of the renewable technologies it showcases, including local innovations and the educational value of the centre. Have a listen.

Save Copenhagen: Real Deal Now!

With only 3 days left, the crucial Copenhagen climate summit is failing.

Tomorrow, world leaders will arrive for an unprecedented 60 hours of direct negotiations. Each one will have to decide whether to step forward as heroes, or fail us all. But they will only act if we do.

Around the world a global movement has been building towards this moment. Now it’s time for one last, massive push — with a global public outcry for a real deal that will stop catastrophic climate change. In the next 72 hours we can build the largest petition in history.

Follow the link and sign the petition, pass it around, and Avaaz will help deliver the petition directly to leaders inside the Copenhagen summit

Currently they have nearly 11 million people signing to say they want a Real Deal at Copenhagen, click here to show your support

It’s been getting all very shouty and excited on Up Your Jumper lately. (which is good, the weather’s warming up, so it’s good to get out and about and enjoy it)

But thought I’d balance it out a bit. Here’s a new project that Future Canvas has got going. I’ve just found out about, and will find out more on Sunday. You can too by following the details below…


Future Canvas, Docklands garden

Hungry Beast on Coal

I haven’t been able to check out this new serving from the good ol’ ABC, but got directed to this little snippet…

Do You Like picnics?

DSCF0274G’day g’day, how’s it? Well after all this interviewing, talking, ideas and what not, I’ve decided to try and get something of my own up and rocking.

Do you like picnics, and want to learn about sustainable food options that are near you? Are you university aged? Well read on….

For my major project this semester, I am designing a sustainable living workshop series, aimed at university students, who are transitioning from living at home to living independently/ in Melbourne for the first time.

For my prototyping phase, I will be developing and testing a food workshop. So for this, there will be speakers on topics ranging from community gardens, to organics, to fair trade, to dumpster diving, to wild foraging etc. Each speaker will give a brief explanation of what their take on sustainable food is, and how it’s accessible within Melbourne. Then the picnic will kick off properly. Once this happens you will be able to seek out the speaker(s) that resonated most for you, and find out more.

This test run will happen on Friday, 23 October from 2-4pm.

I’m in the process of lining up people involved with food co-ops, ethical grocery shops, dumpster diving, wild food foraging and urban food production, to come and have a chat. It’s all very time and motion at this stage, but taking shape.

This is where you come in.

If you’re in Melbourne, university aged, and up for an informative picnic next Friday (23 October), send me an email via the contact page.

At this stage I’m looking for about 15 people.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Join me at www.350.org

Check out the 350 Action Map to find out what’s happening in your area to get into.

Around Melbourne there’s some 40 odd events happening all over the city. Check out the map for one near you.

Or grab your bike for a morning city ride….

Pedal to 350.jpg

We meet at:

1030am, 24th of OCTOBER
AT THE MELBOURNE MUSEUM (Rathdowne St carpark)

There is a petition on the go as well. Suss it out here

For more info on the company Solar Systems check out their website. It’s got a run down of past projects, which are cool to see what’s actually already possible.

For more info on the circumstances leading to Solar Systems going into voluntary administration, check out this article from SMH.

Always good to know a bit of the background I rekon….


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Global Wake Up Call

There’s more to come. October 24, and then a massive global day of action December 12.

Find out more at Avaaz